Is shared mobility solving or adding to the problem of congestions on the city roads?

Surprisingly, it is being forecasted that the shared mobility may add rather than reduce the congestion on the city roads. Some signs of this are already being seen in the hundreds of Ubers and Olas either being parked on the road side or being driven very slowly to avoid parking or in serch of a customer. Even in the US a recent study found that large increases in the number of taxis and ride-sharing vehicles are contributing to slow traffic in Manhattan’s central business district. It recommended policies to prevent further increases in “the number of vacant vehicles occupied only by drivers waiting for their next trip request.”In San Francisco, a study released in June found that on a typical weekday, ride-hailing drivers make more than 170,000 vehicle trips, about 12 times the number of taxi trips, and that the trips are concentrated in the densest and most congested parts of the city and a survey released in October of more than 4,000 adults in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Washington, D.C., also concluded that 49 to 61 percent of ride-hailing trips would have not been made at all — or instead by walking, biking or public transit — if the option didn’t exist.

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